Wednesday, November 5, 2008

These are the pictures we collected on the Farewell topic PUNK'S NOT DEAD!The idea is that we give them each a black t-shirt with the best logo of out of all these, and at the bak their name written in some Harley Davidson style or something.Not all these pics can be used on t-shirts so if you've got any ideas on how you can use them for deco or anything tell Charmi or Akanksha or whoever is head of deco.
Since its impossible to send all these pictures by email to everyone in class, I've put them up on this website so that you guys can see them whenever you get the time.Please make a note of which picture you think will look best on a t-shirt (black) and write it in the comments on this blog or tell us in school.
By the way the word anarchy is a very punk thing cos it means rebellion so you'll find an "A"in a circle in most of them.

